15.33 baby i'm a fool

tjoooofräääsen :D
just nu sitter jag här, hör låten it's not fair, med lily allen i bakgrunden. skolan id var helt okej, skulle kunna ha varit lite mera skratt, men imorgon är det typ elevens valdag, vilket är helt okej :D jag har kören på förmiddagen, och matte/no eftermiddagen :D en helt okej dag. ett litet minus är dock att min fot/vrist har börjat göra ont igen, kanske borde skjuta av den, (skämta åsido) men men... nu ska jag väl ut och gå en sväng..

Jennie&Sarha; jag saknar er som FAAAN! <3


ps. denna låten är så in i helvetes bra :D<33


How was I to know that this was always
only just a little game to you
All the time I thought you gave your heart
I thought that I would do the same for you
Tell the truth I think I should have seen it coming
from a mile away
When the words you say are
Baby Im a fool who thinks its cool to fall in love
If I gave a thought to fascination
I would know it wasnt right to care
Logic doesnt seem to mind
that I am fascinated by a love affair
still my heart would benefit from a little tenderness
from time to time but nevermind cause
baby im a fool who thinks its cool
to fall in love
Maybe I should hold on just a moment
and be sure its not for vanity
Look me in the eye and tell me
Love is never based upon insanity
Hear the way my heart is beating
Hurry up the moments fleeting
Kiss me now
Dont ask me how cause
Baby Im a fool who thinks its cool to fall
Baby Im a fool who thinks its cool to fall
and I would never tell
if you became a fool and fell in






Hunnie      ♥

lätta ditt hjärta!

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